This program consists of technical programs to KYU and DAN levels. The 10th and 9th Kyu include all safe rolls, falling and basic movements. Started from the 8th program corresponds to the Yoshinkan Aikido Honbu Dojo. Applicants have to demonstrate basic movements and basic techniques in accordance with the requirements of the YukimuraKan Dojo and the Honbu Dojo.
The 10th Aduit’s Kyu Exam
The 9th Aduit’s Kyu Exam
The 8th – the 6th Aduit’s Kyu Exams
The 5th Aduit’s Kyu Exam
The 4th Aduit’s Kyu Exam
The 3rd – the 1st Aduit’s Kyu Exams
Applicants have to fill the dan recommendation, one week before day of exam, this recommendation can be downloaded from The Honbu Dojo website.