The 7th kyu of Children’s Yoshinkan Aikido Exam

The 7th Theoretical Exam

  1. What is “Hiriki”? (Elbow power)
  2. What is “Hajime”? (Start)
  3. What is movement “Tai no Henko 1”? (the Basic movement, the Diagonal movement forward or (S-direction))
  4. What is movement “Tai no Henko 2”? (the Basic movement, the Pivot on the forward leg in 95 degrees)
  5. What is “Kihon Dosa”? (Basic movements(exercises))
  6. What is “Ikkajo osae”? (The basic technique, the first control)
  7. What is “Shomen Uchi”? (Hand attack from top to down)
  8. What is “Osae”? (Reteining)
  9. What is “Nage”? (Throwing)
  10. Description of “Ikkajo Osae 1 (The first control description)

The 7th Technical Exam

  1. Migi hanmi kamae
  2. Hidari hanmi kamae
  3. Seiza Ho
  4. Rei Ho
  5. Shikko Ho
  6. Hiriki no yosei 2
  7. Shumatsu dosa 1
  8. Shumatsu dosa 2
  9. Katate Mochi Shihonage 1
  10. Katate Mochi Shihonage 2