the first Yoshinkan aikido’s online seminar of Jacques Payet Sensei

Dear friends, 
Siberian Yoshinkan Aikido Federation introduces to you first online seminar of Jacques Payet Sensei (Shihan, 8 Dan)! 
The seminar will take place on the base of Shusetsukan Dojo (37, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region) from 19th to 21st of March 2021 through Zoom Meetings with possibility of individual and group connection (from your Dojos). 
We try to move the borders!
Seminar schedule. 
Finland time
12:30-13:30 pm – instructors training. 
04:00-05:00 am (children)
05:10-06:10 am (children)
08:30-10:00 am (adults)
10:10-11:30 am (adults)
07:00-08:30 am (adults)
08:40-10:10 am (adults)
10:20-11:20 am (children, Nick Richardson)
11:30-12:30 pm (children, Nick Richardson)
Part of children trainings will be under the guidence of Nick Richardson Sensei @mugenjuku.onthemove. 
Seminar fees: donate. As much as you wish.
If you want to participate, please, contact with us