The 6th kyu of Children’s Yoshinkan Aikido Exam
The 6th Theoretical Exam
- What is “Ma Ai”? (Harmonious distance)
- What is “Kamae”? (Position)
- What is “Ai Kamae”? (The same position)
- What is “Gaku Kamae”? (The different position)
- What is difference from “Osae Waza” to “Nage Waza”? (“Osae” is control, “Nage” is throwing)
- What is “Seiki”? (meet face to face)
- Please list Kihon Dosa (Say to: Tai no Henko 1,2 Hiriki no Esei 1,2 Shumatsu Dosa 1,2)
- What does “Shite Uke Kotai” means? (Turn the tables)
- What is “Hanteiga onajikyu”? (Switch sides, the same on the other hand)
- Description of the basic technique “Shiho Nage”?
The 6th Technical Exam
- Migi hanmi kamae
- Hidari hanmi kamae
- Kihon Renzoku Dosa
- Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae 1
- Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae 2
- Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage 1