Yoshinkan Aikidon Dojo Mugenjuku kutsuu juhlia sen 10 Vuosipäivää
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to invite you to our enbu event which will be held in the Budokuten, the oldest Dojo building in Japan in the center of Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. The event will include demonstrations by senior Yoshinkan instructors, as well as participants from across Japan and around the world. There will also be workshops, led by senior Yoshinkan Instructors, held throughout the event. We invite your Dojo to do an enbu demonstration, join in the workshops or simply come and watch.
Mugenjuku Dojo’s 10th Anniversary Enbu Event will be held on Thursday 21st March 2019 12pm – 4pm.
The number of demonstration participants from overseas is limited to 100 people. The application deadline is October 31st 2018. There is a participation fee of 3,000yen.
The number of audience members is not limited and there is no application deadline or fee, so please feel free to bring along friends and family.
There will be a 10th Anniversary Party offering the chance to relax, socialize, and make new friends in the Aikido community. The party will be held after the enbu event on Thursday 21st March 2019 from 6pm – 8pm. The participation fee is 5,000yen.
There will be workshops run by Payet Sensei on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd March 2019 at 10am – 11:30am and 1pm – 2:30pm (at Ritsumiekan University, Kyoto). The application deadline is October 31st 2018. There is a participation fee of 3,000yen/day.
There is a complete package price for attendance and participation at the 10th Anniversary Enbu Event, the after-party and two days of workshops for 10,000yen.
Please contact Andy at aikido.mugenjuku@gmail.com for inquiries and to book your places.
We ask that overseas participants arrange their own accommodation but can offer suggestions on request. Please be aware that accommodation for that period in Kyoto is in high demand so please make your reservations a.s.a.p.
We hope you can join us in celebrating ten years of Mugenjuku Dojo bringing people together and sharing Aikido with the world.
Best regards,
Jackues Payet
Aikido Mugenjuku”